Submitting Adequate Medical Evidence for Social Security Disability

We know that more than half of Social Security Disability claims are denied at the initial stage. The reasons behind these denials can vary, but insufficient medical evidence is frequently the culprit. Remember, the Social Security Administration needs full information not only on your disabling condition, but also the ways in which it affects the way you live. In particular, they need to see how your disability impacts your ability to work.
So, with that in mind, keep the following tips in mind as you apply for Social Security Disability benefits.
Provide all sources of medical treatment. Aside from the original doctor who diagnosed or treated you, you might also have received supporting services like physical or occupational therapy. Make sure to include all providers of medical treatments when you fill out your disability application.
Supply sufficient contact information. If Social Security can’t contact your providers and verify the information you’ve given them, that information won’t be used as evidence. Make sure all phone numbers and addresses are current and correct.
Include recent evidence. The Social Security Administration requires recent medical evidence as a part of your claim. “Recent” is defined as “within the last 90 days”, so you might need to visit your physician again to receive an updated report on your condition.
Keep in mind that Social Security is looking for evidence to prove that your condition is currently limiting you so that you cannot work, and that you aren’t expected to improve significantly for at least one year.
Start at the beginning. While recent medical evidence is absolutely required, it is also important to include all evidence relating to your condition, from the time that it began. For some people this might mean gathering several years’ worth of medical records, but the Administration does need a full history in order to make an accurate decision. In some cases this history will dramatically impact the amount of “back pay” that you receive.
If you have questions regarding medical evidence and your Social Security Disability claim, don’t hesitate to contact our office. We can offer our services to guide you through this process, and increase your chances of approval if you have previously been denied Disability benefits.